For a Special Issue of Marine Resource Economics on Offshore Wind Energy.
Guest editors
Lisa Pfeiffer, NOAA Fisheries
Olivier Thébaud, IFREMER
In the coming decade, wind energy placed in the marine and offshore environment is likely to see global expansion due to its significant potential as a climate solution and contributor to energy independence. As with all major infrastructure investments, offshore wind energy comes with a variety of tradeoffs which have yet to be sufficiently explored in the economics literature.
This special issue of Marine Resource Economics is devoted to the economics of offshore wind development. The editors encourage all types of submissions including Perspectives, Articles, and Case Studies, for example:
Perspectives on
- the economic implications of development of offshore wind energy in Asia, Europe, North America.
Articles on
- the intersection between offshore wind development and other uses of the marine environment (e.g. commercial fishing, recreational fishing, shipping, wildlife, and wildlife habitat).
Case Studies on
- the economic impacts or implications of offshore wind farms.
- methods to support the planning of offshore wind development at multiple scales, from local to regional and international.
Timeline and process
If you would like to contribute to this special issue, please email an extended abstract (up to 1,000 words) to Lisa Pfeiffer ( and Olivier Thébaud ( by January 30, 2025 for preliminary review.
Selected authors will be asked to submit their papers through the journal’s website by June 1, 2025. Submissions will be subject to the single-blind review process.