Large scale fisheries face challenges from disruptions in the value chain and policy restrictions, ranging from the Landing Obligation to closures for biodiversity conservation. Small-scale coastal fisheries are threatened by the loss of fishing grounds due to offshore renewable energy developments, shifts in species distribution due to climate change or other environmental factors, and lack of generational succession.
Meanwhile, aquaculture continues to experience a worldwide surge yet faces specific constraints in Europe.
These pressures keep awakening new interest in the portfolio of solutions that economics brings to policymakers, managers, and all directly and indirectly involved in fisheries and aquaculture.
The 2025 biannual conference of the European Association of Fisheries Economists will take place in Rome from 24 to 26th of June. This event contributes to the debate by giving the floor to the latest knowledge available and facilitating direct interaction among fisheries and aquaculture economics researchers, knowledge brokers, experienced managers and promising students, offering diverse networking activities. This year’s conference will also reintroduce the policy day format brought by the economic unit of the EU Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, DG MARE.
Come and join us in Rome for an exciting and fruitful exchange of views!
More information on the conference website, notably the call for abstracts.